“Truth for
Truckers *January 2, 2014* Proverb 1 & Proverb 31“Bathsheeba’s Burden” PartII
Continuing the teaching on the subject of “Bathsheeba’s
Burden” from yesterday’s message, the Lord makes it perfectly clear exactly who should be leading
in the husband/wife relationship as we learned in previous messages taken from
both the Old and New Testament Scriptures. But, as OTR Drivers who spend much
time away from home, it will be necessary to make plans to eliminate the
obstacles that keep the husband from leading his wife and family.
One of the possibilities is to pray for
the Lord to give the Driver/husband a day job or a regional job so that he can
adequately lead his wife/family. But, in the meantime, the wife must stay under
the authority of her husband and do what is necessary in order to make Godly
decisions to keep the home running properly for she is called to rule/manage the home,
obeying her own husband, as clearly commanded in the pastoral epistles. Notice,
also, the consequences for those who do not obey:
“I will therefore
that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to
speak reproachfully, For some are already
turned aside unto Satan.
(I Timothy 5:14)
“That they [the
older women] may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to
love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the Word of God be not blasphemed.” (Titus
2:4, 5)
But, in many homes these commands from the
Lord are being ignored and the wife/mother has taken the role of the
husband/father. Some wives are forced into this position, some take the
position and enjoy the authority of leader, others unknowingly are doing the
same but in essence in all three “The spiritual strength/discernment of the
husband/father” is forfeited/given away, and the home/family is not under God-ordained
leadership. Financial. Marital, and all types of Family problems will be the
result when the man gives away his strength/authority and position in the home
to his wife.
When I was studying for the ministry a
fellow employee who was a Christian told me this story about his parents. His
mother was saved later in life when she was a Grandmother. When she learned the
truths concerning leadership in the husband/wife relationship discussed above
she decided to make changes in how things were done in her home.
Until that point in their marriage, she
was the one who made the decisions concerning all things; Financial plans,
Marital issues and Family decisions. She planned the budget alone, she planned
vacations, she planned when, where and how all things were done and her husband
who was not saved was in the FDH syndrome. Fat, Dumb and Happy!! He loved every
minute of it because she was doing all the things he was supposed to do as he
just cruised through life.
But, when she told him that she was
born-again and wanted to start a new life according to the Bible he was
astounded. Now, he would have to take his position as leader and do the things
he was supposed to be doing all along. Needless to say things were stirred up
in that home/relationship for quite some time. But, eventually, he too was
saved and the Lord received the glory, for she did not preach to him or lord
this new truth over him, but simply lived the life and without the Word her
husband was saved exactly as the Scripture teaches in I Peter 3:1-7! The Lord
is good, praise His Name!!
When I taught these same truths to a
believing wife/Driver she was surprised! She had not heard any teaching on this
subject and was laboring over a husband that was lost in the Jehovah’s Witness
Cult and he was her driving partner! But, she now has hope that the Lord will
work in the heart of her husband as she lives the life of a loving obedient
So, at the beginning of this New Year let
us start with a new resolve to get our families under the blessing of God as we
make decisions to put things in order and do exactly what it takes to have
Biblical relationships with our mates and our families, for as we live in the
time when the Lord’s coming is drawing near, the necessity for Godly families
is high! He is looking for a Godly seed to call out to serve Him as we speak!
This is the second day of a New Year and
our emphasis has been on the family and not completely focused upon the Proverb
for the day. So, in brief, we want to emphasize the importance of these first
two Proverbs and encourage each Driver to read the Proverb for the day and
check out our continuing messages on these important daily nuggets of wisdom.
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