"Every wise
woman builds her house, but the foolish plucks it down with her hands"
Proverbs 14:1
As the end of the age draws near, Satan's assault on the family, the
cornerstone of society, increases at a feverish pace. His once subtle attack on
womanhood has grown in intensity as motherhood, marriage, and the traditional
roles of women have been revised, ridiculed and rejected by the majority of
Western culture. Satan's devious design to convert our once strong patriarchal
authority system to the un-Biblical Third-world matriarchal system is becoming
more and more obvious even to the casual observer.
However, standing in direct opposition to his destructive plan is God's
Word. As Solomon tells us, "Every wise woman buildeth her house..."
showing that the wisdom of God has not changed with the pressures to conform,
but concludes that the wise woman will follow Biblical guidelines to fulfill
God's glorious calling for her life, regardless!!
Ruth 4:11 illustrates this foundational truth for us as Rachel and Leah
are biblical role models for Ruth. They are commended for building "the
house of Israel." What was their claim to Biblical commendation? They were
the mothers of the children of Jacob/Israel, the father of the twelve tribes of
the nation of Israel! What a glorious calling, to be singled out by the God of
Heaven to bear and nurture the children that God would use to bring salvation
through the Lord Jesus Christ for the whole human race, and establish
the physical descendants of Abraham. The opportunity for this type of glorious
service to the King of kings still exists today, to the wise and Godly woman
who will say "amen" to God's will for her life as outlined in God's
holy Word!
From the Creation account in Genesis throughout the New Testament, the
Bible provides guidance for the"Wise Woman of God." We will examine
these guiding principles and divide them up into three specific categories.
God's Glory for the Wise Woman
God's Goals for the Wise Woman
God's Goodness in the Wise Woman
First of all, God's Glory is revealed in the Wise Woman as she
recognizes God's purpose for her in His original Creation authority structure.
The Lord, by creating male/female in all the animal kingdom, did so for the
purpose of function; not to show that one was more important than the other,
but that there were specific functions that each was responsible to perform.
The male is the normal leader and aggressor, while the female is more passive; following, serving, submitting, and bringing herself under the authority of her husband as the husband is under the authority of God. It was and is God's plan for authority structures to be established and maintained throughout all His creative order, but most important is His crowning creative act, making man in His own image, giving him dominion over all creation. God performed a special work, breathing life into man and from him created man's helper, the woman
(Genesis 1-3).
The male is the normal leader and aggressor, while the female is more passive; following, serving, submitting, and bringing herself under the authority of her husband as the husband is under the authority of God. It was and is God's plan for authority structures to be established and maintained throughout all His creative order, but most important is His crowning creative act, making man in His own image, giving him dominion over all creation. God performed a special work, breathing life into man and from him created man's helper, the woman
(Genesis 1-3).
Secondly,God's Glory is revealed in the Wise Woman as she realizes the
impact she can have on the spiritual
Kingdom of God by winning, building, and strengthening her husband
(I Pet. 3:1-7).
(I Pet. 3:1-7).
Third, God's Glory is revealed in the Wise Woman as she recognizes her
role is the key to sound authority structures i.e. the family, the church, the
government. Because she is the one God has placed under the leadership/headship
of man and in that position of servant/helper, she has the option to rebel
against the direction given her, creating disorder and confusion, or she can
obey, creating order and discipline according to God's will (I Corinthians
Fourth, God's Glory is revealed in the Wise Woman as she rejoices in the
opportunity God has given her for eternal reward. As a servant, she is placed
in the same exalted position the Lord Jesus was in when He came to earth, to
serve and not to be served (Mark 10:42-45).
Fifth, God's Glory is revealed in the Wise Woman as she remembers the
Godly women of old, who rose to the occasion and stood firm, serving the God of
Heaven in times of crisis I.E. Deborah the judge of Israel, and Esther the one whom God used to
save multitudes of exiled Israelites from certain death (Judges 4,5 Esther).
Sixth, God's Glory is revealed in the Wise Woman as she refuses to be
moved away from her glorious calling by the pressures from society, peers,
false teaching and uninformed authorities, but her heart remains fixed on doing
God's will as given in His precious Word (Romans 12:1,2)
God's Goals for the Wise Woman encompass three specific areas: The Wise
Woman's Seniority, The Wise Woman's Priority, and The Wise Woman's Authority.
First of all, Seniority or Age. This area of guidance in God's Word is
most significant, for age is the issue when guidance is given from God's Word,
as we shall soon see. Therefore, we must begin with God's instruction to the
aged/older women. Titus 2 and Proverbs 31 show the distinction God makes
between the aged/older and young women. In Titus 2:3 the distinction is obvious
as Paul specifically says "The aged woman..." but in Proverbs 31 the
passage must be properly interpreted to realize that the virtuous woman was
also an aged woman like the one mentioned in Titus 2.
Proverbs 31:23 tells us that the husband of the virtuous woman is not only known in the gates, but he also sits with the elders of the land, indicating his age and maturity. Here was a man who was recognized as a leader in the community, a man who had gained a high level of status as he was counted worthy to have attained this elevated position of authority. But, the key verse showing that the virtuous woman is an older woman is verse 28 "Her children rise up and call her blessed," indicating that they had reached a certain level of maturity, adulthood if you please, in order for them to realize the value of a mother of her caliber, and then pay a compliment that could only be given by a mature son or daughter!
Proverbs 31:23 tells us that the husband of the virtuous woman is not only known in the gates, but he also sits with the elders of the land, indicating his age and maturity. Here was a man who was recognized as a leader in the community, a man who had gained a high level of status as he was counted worthy to have attained this elevated position of authority. But, the key verse showing that the virtuous woman is an older woman is verse 28 "Her children rise up and call her blessed," indicating that they had reached a certain level of maturity, adulthood if you please, in order for them to realize the value of a mother of her caliber, and then pay a compliment that could only be given by a mature son or daughter!
Second, the older woman's priority. As is revealed throughout the
Scripture, God provides her with a multifaceted opportunity to exercise her
Spiritual gifts in His service. He never limits any of His saints as long as
they are directed by the guidelines given in His Word. These opportunities fall
into these six categories:
1. Wife
(Proverbs 31)
2. Mother
(Proverbs 31)
3. Teacher
(Titus 2:4)
Homemaker (Proverbs 31)
5. Ministry
in the Church (Romans 16:1,3,6)
Managing/Home/Business (Proverbs 31)
Although this list is not exhaustive, it provides guidelines for the
aged woman to exercise her God-given gifts, providing with great fulfillment in
her calling. However, it must be pointed out that although the aged woman's priority
included activity in the "business world", her primary place of
activity was the household (Proverbs 31:15,21,27). She was not as many of
today's compromising "Bible teachers" mistakenly insist, the
manager/owner of a great factory or business complex. No, the Bible clearly
teaches that the Wise Woman of God has her activity focused on her home, her
husband, her children, and her household.
Third, the older woman's authority is shown in Proverbs 31:11,12. The
Scripture states " The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her so that
he shall have no need for spoil, she will do him good and not evil all the days
of her life." These verses amply demonstrate what the Scripture teaches
from cover to close-it is God's will for the wife to be under the authority of
her husband, and this woman was no exception, working under the headship of her
husband, as he is seen trusting in her, receiving good and not evil from her
activities throughout her life. Verse 28 affirms his attitude toward her
Biblical conduct, as he is seen blessing and praising her.
Let us now focus on the younger woman's goals as we turn back to Titus
2. Again we will divide this section into the same three specific areas: The
Wise Woman's Seniority, The Wise Woman's Priority, and The Wise Woman's
Although it might seem to be obvious, let us briefly look at Titus 2:4
and I Timothy 5:14 as they both give explicit guidelines to the
"young" woman, distinguishing her from the aged woman dealt with in
the preceding verses. The young woman then is the recipient of the aged woman's
experience as she is being taught by the aged woman, who has the valuable
insight and experience of God's working
in her own life.
Secondly, the young woman's priorities are outlined in Titus 2:4,5. She
must be "sober" meaning sound-minded, disciplined, "love her
husband" literally meaning husband-lover, "love her children"
another compound word literally meaning children-lover, "discreet"
meaning self controlled, "chaste" with the emphasis here on purity,
modesty, and holiness of lifestyle, "keeper at home" literally
homemaker describing the primary place and function of the wise young woman. It
is evident from this passage and the parallel passage in I Timothy 5:14 that
God's calling, His ministry for the young woman is to serve Him as wife and
mother, focusing her priorities on the home.
Third, the Wise Young Woman will have as her authority her own husband.
Yes, God's goal for the young woman is to serve Him under the
headship/authority of her own husband as verse 5 of Titus 2 states
"obedient unto their own husbands." This word obedient is the same
word used in Ephesians 5:22 translated "submit." This is one of key
words in the New Testament as it describes the attitude necessary to win the
victory in the struggle we all face, submitting to the authority God puts in
place over us. This military term illustrates the necessity of keeping
ourselves under authority, in rank (the proper position militarily) in order to
be effective in the spiritual battle. If we expect to be successful soldiers of
the Lord Jesus Christ, it is imperative that we are always under our God-given
This same word is used to command the saints to be submissive to civil government (Romans 13:1-5, Titus 2:9, I Peter 2:13), and servants to be submissive to their masters (Titus 2:9, I Peter 2:18). Although saint/servant submission is important, the crucial area of wife to husband submission is stressed no less than five times in the New Testament! And, understandably so, for this is where the devil wages his most intensive battle, knowing that if he can destroy God's authority in the home (the first and most important institution God established), then he can shake the foundation of the local church, the institution God ordained to proclaim His precious Gospel.
This same word is used to command the saints to be submissive to civil government (Romans 13:1-5, Titus 2:9, I Peter 2:13), and servants to be submissive to their masters (Titus 2:9, I Peter 2:18). Although saint/servant submission is important, the crucial area of wife to husband submission is stressed no less than five times in the New Testament! And, understandably so, for this is where the devil wages his most intensive battle, knowing that if he can destroy God's authority in the home (the first and most important institution God established), then he can shake the foundation of the local church, the institution God ordained to proclaim His precious Gospel.
Therefore, this vital truth can not be over-emphasized, for it is the
foundational building block of the family unit. With out this essential
authority structure operating properly, the entire make-up of family life will
in spiritual confusion. The wife will desire the opposite role God designed her
for if she does not keep herself under the headship/authority of her husband
(Genesis 3:15,16). When these roles are reversed the family unit can not
operate according to God's will. Discernment on the husband's part can be
forfeited if he surrenders his position of authority. Wrong decisions can be
made if the spiritual head of the home surrenders his God-given authority,
thereby providing the adversary the advantage (I Timothy 2:12-14).
Unfortunately, Satan's attack on Biblical womanhood is only the outward
sign of a wrecked and perverted society that has gone without a clear voice
from the Bible-preaching pulpits on this vital doctrine for over forty years.
As Bible preachers are surveyed in 1993 we find many are silent, many are
compromising, and many are teaching false doctrine concerning this
"controversial" issue that was certainly clear cut only a few decades
ago. Oh my brethren, this is not an issue than be circumvented, avoided, or
omitted, for if we expect to build strong churches that can withstand the
present and increasingly fervent persecution as our Lord's Return draws near,
we must first have:
1. Biblical strong
Pastor/Preachers with their own family
authority structure
operating according to God's Word.
2. Biblical strong
laymen with spiritual discernment to assist the Pastor
3. Biblical strong
families with God's authority structure also
according to God's Word
Goodness in the Wise Woman
Although this too might seem to be an
obvious point, God's Word points to this character trait in two different
passages. Titus 2:5, and the one we have not yet touched on I Peter 3:1-7. It
is in I Peter 3 where the wives are
again commanded to stay in battle ready position as verse 1 states: "Wives, be in subjection to your
own husbands". However, the purpose of obeying God is significant in this
passage, for it goes on to show that the wife of a man who knows not the Lord
can win him to Christ without the Word, but by living out the Word, the husband
is won.
The Wise Woman of God is portrayed in
this passage as:
1. Soul-winning by Submission (vs.1,2)
2. Secure in Holy Living (vs.2,3)
3. Spirit-Controlled (vs.4-6)
The Holy Spirit controlled Servant of God is described as a woman who
was able, by her walk with the Lord, to perform supernatural works for the
Kingdom of God. Her attitude is illustrated by using one of the well known
women of the Old Testament, Sarah, who is seen repeatedly obeying Abraham's
leadership even in times when he was obviously not walking with Lord (Genesis
20). Sarah instead chose to follow Gods guidelines as she recognized the
importance of His creative order/authority structure and thereby called Abraham
"lord" (Genesis 18:12, I Peter 3:6).
This is in direct compliance with the
classic New Testament passage (Ephesians 5:22-32) which provides us with the
most concentrated teaching in the Scriptures on husband/wife relationships. Paul calls this relationship "a
great mystery" literally a mega-mystery, the only time these two words are
tied together in the New Testament.He concludes this powerful passage with a
solemn statement focusing on the wife's
attitude "see that she reverence her husband" the word reverence
literally means fear, the same word that is used in other passages teaching
submission to God's ordained authority structures (Romans 13:3,7; Ephesians
5:21,6:5; I Peter 2:18, 3:2).
This agrees with Sarah's attitude and actions toward Abraham. She
understood God's purpose in giving her the opportunity to serve Him, supplying
her with the spiritual protection and providing her with the authority
structure that would give her security and peace of heart, regardless of the
adversary's attempt to take these gifts of God away through a rebellious
attitude toward His perfect design for her life.
Although we are not dealing specifically with the husband's
responsibility to the wife, we must realize the husband must love his wife, as
he is commanded (Eph 5:25). This supernatural love can only be produced by the
indwelling Holy Spirit and is the natural outpouring of the heart of a Holy
Spirit controlled husband. This will give the wife the ability the to perform
her service to the Lord, for in many cases today, it is the husband who is
ultimately at fault when the wife/mother is not living in accordance with the
will of God. It is the husband's responsibility to monitor the spiritual health
of his wife and family for this is his priority. If this authority structure is
not maintained, if we are not in rank (the proper position militarily to
perform with success in the Lord's battle for souls as prepared soldiers of the
King), we can not expect to be victorious in the cause of our Lord Jesus
In conclusion, let us return to Titus 2 in order to show God's emphasis
on the results of disobedience to this vital doctrine. Verse 5 ends with this
astounding statement "that the Word of God be not blasphemed." This
statement is of crucial importance. Paul gives us the reason why the Word of
God in our day is spoken against, ridiculed, rejected, blatantly ignored, and
yes, blasphemed openly!
We live in a time when the lost and dying world has rejected their only hope, the living Word of God!! But the blame rests soundly on the shoulders of God's people who have adopted the world's lifestyle, abandoning children and the home for careers, money, and position. According to Paul, this type of conduct will cause the Word of God to be blasphemed! This blasphemy is the direct result of the Christian willingly, openly, in the face of the lost, going the way of the world system, instead of doing the will of God.
We live in a time when the lost and dying world has rejected their only hope, the living Word of God!! But the blame rests soundly on the shoulders of God's people who have adopted the world's lifestyle, abandoning children and the home for careers, money, and position. According to Paul, this type of conduct will cause the Word of God to be blasphemed! This blasphemy is the direct result of the Christian willingly, openly, in the face of the lost, going the way of the world system, instead of doing the will of God.
I Timothy 6:1 also teaches this same truth, where servants are exhorted
to "count their own masters worthy of all honor that the Name of God be
not blasphemed." Here again, authority structures are in focus showing
that if servants do not honor their masters God's Name will pay the price!
The Old Testament confirms and illustrates this vital truth. Rebellion against God's authority structure
will cause the enemies of to blaspheme Him and His Word. When God and His
ordained authority, King Hezekiah, were spoken against openly (II Chronicles
32:16-19) the enemies of God were attempting to further break down the
authority of God as they defied the God of Heaven and intimidated the people.
Isaiah 52:3-5 shows the authority structure of the nation of Israel crushed as
the people now were in captivity, howling in oppression, and the Name of God
was blasphemed continually every day. This somber, dreadful picture of God's
people and their powerless condition could well be applied to His people today
as the Bible preaching churches and people are held captive spiritually by the
influence of "another authority" which is not of the Lord Jesus
Corruption of God's ordained authority structure will lead to the
moral/spiritual collapse of the family unit, the church, the community, the
country, and yes, the entire world which the Lord created for His glory. But,
let us not be found pointing the finger of blame totally at the wife/mother,
for as we mentioned earlier, the husband/father, the head of the woman, the one
who surrenders his position of authority, the one who does not provide the love
and leadership, so that under his authority the wife/mother can "guide the
house" fulfilling her #1 priority in service to the Lord. Taking this one
step further, when the pulpits are silent or perverted on this key doctrine of
Scripture, we should not be surprised that the family is in confusion, the
church is held captive, and the country is "goin" to hell in a hand
How has Bible believing Christianity, in just a few short decades, been
deceived into adopting the devil's doctrine?
1. Pressure from the world's
philosophy i.e. E.R.A., N.O.W., etc. has seeped into the thinking/lifestyles of the
Christian family as it has permeated Western culture/media, thereby affecting us all whether we like it
or not!
2. Perverted teaching from
"Big Church" pastors who either think the Bible doctrine for
the Wise Woman of God would
not bring in the money/numbers, or are not aware of
this vital teaching.
3. The greatest influence by
far comes from institutions of higher learning, the colleges
and universities that are
concerned more with the number of students than sound
doctrine. They in fact, not
only teach this devastating error but also openly illustrate
it by the conduct of many of the women on
their faculty and staff, who abandon their
homes and children to
mistakenly "serve the Lord."
It is here where some Christian leaders
have indoctrinated and sent out multitudes of men and women, who are also
promoting this damnable lifestyle. The family has been robbed of its spiritual
power, and therefore, the local church too has been rendered ineffective in the
Lord's battle for souls. Although one godly Christian educator of a generation
ago has stated, and I paraphrase his words, at this university we only teach
our ladies to be missionaries, preacher's wives and teachers, this new
generation of educators/leaders/pastors is giving out an unfamiliar sound when
compared to the Word of God.
What then shall we do as born-again
Bible believers, to remedy the situation, to correct our course, to get back on
track for the Lord Jesus Christ?
1. We must thoroughly search our hearts to make sure we are in line with God's plan
1. We must thoroughly search our hearts to make sure we are in line with God's plan
and protection for our
lives, making sure we are under His divine order of authority,
whether it be in the home,
the church, the work place, or in the place where we live.
2. There must be a wholesale
turning back to God's Word repenting of the corrupted
lifestyle we have adopted.
3. We must fully yield to the
Lordship of Christ in building and strengthening all God
ordained authority.
If we do not follow these steps, our families are doomed to
failure-failure to have God's best, His will, His glorious design fulfilled in
our lives. And, the blasphemy of God, His Word, His Name, and His Doctrine will
continue, at our expense!
So then, the truly Wise Woman of God will build her house, realizing the
eternal consequences of "plucking it down with her hands." Although
the emphasis of this booklet has focused on women, we must realize it is the
responsibility of all believers to submit to God's ordained authority, if we
want to receive His blessing and glorify Him!
Chaplain LEWolfe I-85 Exit 35 SC McPilot Stop in, and please pray for us!
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