“Truth for
Truckers” *December
31, 2013* Proverb 31
The Great Calling of Motherhood
The Great Calling of Motherhood
As we continue our study concerning wives,
husbands and the family this Proverb displays much truth concerning the
virtuous woman/wife/mother. This woman is not only an older woman shown by the
age of her husband who is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of
the land (v.23), but her children are mature enough to recognize her virtues
for they as adults arise up and call her blessed (v.28). This older mother’s
focus was upon her “household”/children.
Therefore, in the Bible, the doctrine concerning
women/wives/mothers is determined by their age. The doctrine concerning younger
women is found in the New Testament epistles and the older woman both here and
in the New Testament epistles. This study is very important to Drivers because
of the time they spend away from home and their families. But, it applies to
all Christians because the foundation of all cultures, communities, churches
and countries is the family, and the wife/mother plays a most significant role.
So, we must realize and exalt the invaluable role of mothers
fact the role of mother is the most important position in the family, for God
specifically designed them to bring forth and train the next generation of
godly men and women for His glory! The mother’s high and holy calling has been
under attack in Western cultures which are the mainstay cultures that have sent
out the Gospel for over two thousand years. Therefore, motherhood, in God’s
eyes is a main priority for reaching those who are lost whom He so greatly
loves, so much so that He sent His only Son to die for the redemption of ALL
mankind. His great love demonstrated on the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, the
most important event in human history, shows exactly how much He loves every
soul who walks the face of the earth. And, the Gospel of God is the most
important message man can hear and receive!
And, motherhood, according to Scripture is
one of the keys to bringing men and women into the knowledge of the Truth,
because God is counting on young women to embrace their calling as mothers and
raise the next generation for His glory and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is true that “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world” as recognized
long ago in the 1850’s when this slogan was incorporated into a book.
This statement was published by a secular
author who recognized the impact the person who raises a child has upon their
future. The question today is: “Who is rocking your cradles?” God’s design is
that mothers not only rock the cradle, but they should be the key person in the
life of the infant, toddler, child, and young adult. But, the devil has his
plan in place and he is working it out! His not so subtle but fierce attack is
upon young women and motherhood.
Notice what God says about motherhood in I
Timothy 2:13-15 “For Adam was first formed,
then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the
transgression. Notwithstanding, she shall be saved [delivered] in childbearing,
if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.” This
statement by Paul is not speaking of the woman’s eternal salvation of her soul.
It is focusing upon the deliverance she will receive from the effects of the transgression
which God brought about through the curse after the fall.
God pronounced a curse upon all three
persons who were involved in the fall of man. And, the woman’s curse in part
is: “Thy desire will be to thy husband,
and he shall rule over thee” (Genesis 3:16). Her desires shall be subject
to her husband, but she will receive deliverance from the stigma/negative
effects which come naturally being under her husband’s authority if she follows
through and embraces her calling as a Godly mother, bearing and raising her
children for the Lord. However, the first part of the woman’s curse, sorrow in
childbirth, is not referred to here as it still remains.
But, this deliverance frees her from the
so-called bare-foot and pregnant syndrome thrown at young women in today’s
“Liberated Women’s” culture which the devil has falsely imposed upon young
women causing them to feel as though they are enslaved in a dead-end lifestyle
if they follow the Biblical way by accepting their great calling of motherhood.
Timothy 5:14 and Titus 2:4, 5 underline the importance and necessity of the
young women’s calling. Throughout the ages, since the fall, God has given the
Godly young woman a high and holy calling if they follow through just as Sarah
did in her later years who also was delivered from this negative stigma for she
called Abraham lord (I Peter 3:6)!
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