Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The War on Women


The War on Women"                                                                                                                                                                           

     From the beginning of time there has been a definite war on the weaker sex. Whoa! Can’t say that in the 21st century, but it is the truth. From the very beginning the Devil initiated his deceitful plan to upset God’s will for man and woman by attacking the woman who succumbed to his temptation and the man who knew better willfully took the bait and the rest is history as they say.

     Not much has changed, in reality everything remains the same in principle, just the players have changed. Now instead of simply the first man and woman, there are multitudes of men and women under fire from the devil’s manifold schemes to reverse roles and bring down the family unit and with it the culture of the USA that has been so dearly loved. The big question is: “Just exactly who is in authority, in the home, in the church and the government?” The Devil’s desire is confusion of authority through role reversal!!

     And, attacking the woman has always been his method. But, after World War II his efforts accelerated by co-opting the practice begun when every man woman and child became part of the war effort. ‘Rosie the Riveter’ was the role model for women young and old and a great multitude went to work in factories to support our great need for munitions to win the ongoing world war. 

     After the war many women left their homes and children to earn the money needed to ’survive’. But, in many cases, it was not survival, but the desire to have a so-called better lifestyle in order to ‘Keep up with the Jones’. Yes, in many cases it was and is the desire for more, not so necessary, “stuff” while the real driving force was and is simply “The all consuming love of cash money”!

     So, when “Momma’ went Missing” the family foundations were literally destroyed (Psalm 11:3) and the culture went into collapse mode. The church by its silence adopted and embraced this culture destroying practice and the response from the people in the pew by and large was “Let’s get on with it”. But, not everyone is taking the tantalizing bait the Devil is casting out into the public stream. 

     However, the failure to follow Biblical teaching caused the church to lose its vital role as the conscience of our country! You can not raise kids on machine guns and switch blades and expect to reap a successful God-fearing culture! You will always reap what you sow. Mark it down! In many cases Christian families are ‘Reaping the whirlwind’ instead of God’s blessing which He desires to give.

     One man of God who founded a Bible College in essence said this on a tape I listened to while attending his school: ‘Here at our school we teach our women to be preacher’s wives and missionaries’. He was addressing the culture destroying practice of sending young Christian women into ‘The slave market’ called the work force instead of following God’s will as spelled out in Scripture.

     But, he said that back in the 50’s, over a half-century ago when there was already an obvious controversy brewing in religious circles concerning this very important topic. He made it clear where he stood on the subject which was his practice on all subjects Biblical. 

      Unfortunately, when he passed away in the late 60’s the downhill slide at his school began and is continuing today at a feverish pace. When my wife and I talked to a member of the school’s staff about this issue in the early 80’s while I was studying for the ministry we were given the proverbial cold shoulder. We had two young daughters then who were also enrolled in the school system. We were concerned about their education and the effect this practice would have upon them.

     He told us that the woman in Proverbs 31 “Had a girdle factory”using that as the basis for allowing and instructing young Christian women to adopt this home and Motherhood abandoning practice. We were ‘young’ Christians then and did not know the whole truth of this Scripture, but, as it is studied along with the New Testament Scriptures the key point of the Bible’s instruction is the age of the woman. There are major differences in instruction for the younger woman vs. the older woman. [I Timothy 5; Titus 2]
     The woman in Proverbs 31 was an older woman, whose focus was upon her ‘household’. She had adult children who could praise her, and her husband was known in the gate and sat among the elders! The young woman is told to manage the home, love her husband and children providing her with a specific high and holy calling to raise the next generation for the Lord. And, if not, the Word of God will be blasphemed (Titus 2:5) by those who need to see a distinct difference between the Christian and those who are not of the Faith! 

     So, as role reversal and ‘The War on Women’ continues, our culture is declining at an alarming pace while “The world is going to hell in a hand-basket”. Our only hope is a wholesale turning back to God: Revival for Survival! Please pray with us as we seek God’s face asking Him to send REVIVAL to His people so that the Church might fulfill its role as the conscience of our country, thereby hastening the return of the Lord Jesus Christ who will rescue His saints and bring this age to a close! Even so, come Lord Jesus!!

Chaplain Larry Wolfe  www.btmi.org  I-85 Exit 35  SC McPilot  Stop in, and please pray for us!


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