to be Cursed”
the 21st century rolls on, a continuing phenomenon grows stronger
with each day as young Christian women choose to stay under the effects of the
curse even though the Lord has promised partial deliverance. I Timothy 2:8-15 provides
clear instruction to all women but especially the young woman is in focus in (v.15)
where relief is given to those who will respond to the high calling of Motherhood
which includes continuing “In faith and
charity and holiness with sobriety.”
the Apostle Paul gives sound instruction to those mothers who recognize their
great and glorious gift from God of bearing and raising a Godly seed for His
glory as their first priority for they are called to this singular calling that
they alone can fulfill. God’s miraculous design of the young woman’s body for
reproducing has got to be one of His greatest miracles in creation!
The saying: “The hand that rocks the cradle
rules the world”, while crafted by a man, is a truism that has definitely
effected world conditions, because, in this day and age the owner of that hand
is often not the mother of the child but a surrogate which can include videos,
a grandparent, or a child care that utilizes a herding philosophy or any number
of replacement mothers so-called in order that the young woman can go into the
work-force and “Bring home the bacon” as it were!!
in brief, there you have the basic reason the culture has been corrupted by the
Devil’s Doctrine! His attack on the foundational building block of all
societies, which is Motherhood and the traditional family unit, is getting the
job done and he is laughing all the way to his sordid and perverted bank called
hell…as the mother deposits her “bacon” in exchange for raising a Godly seed in
many cases! She in essence is “Choosing to be Cursed” by making the
choice of money over Motherhood rather than receiving the blessing from the
Lord which He has promised to provide!
That makes her pro-choice in the area of Motherhood…only her choice has
been wreaking havoc on the community, the church and the culture/country for
decades ever since “Rosy the Riveter” became the example for the generations of
young women since WWII. This new mentality formed the philosophy for the family
unit almost seventy years ago when women young and old were recruited to
manufacture armaments for the WWII effort.
seemed necessary then and carried through to the present day with the help of
the national women’s movements utilized by the Devil as it all came together to
reverse roles of father and mother bringing about a perverted foundation for
the generations thereafter. Perverted according to Biblical principles of
family structure and order!
And all along the way the Devil is organizing his minions for the final
assault upon any and all Christian cultures by convincing the holders of the
Truth that his way is the best way to achieve the goals of peace, power and
promise which are now set by the world’s movers and shakers of business success
so-called which in reality are based on the love of money which the Scripture
clearly shows is the root of all kinds of evil (I Timothy 6:10)!
the text/passage cited above, I Timothy 2:8-15, the last few verses deal with
the subject at hand which is the curse pronounced by God upon the woman. The
fall of man and the ensuing curse is in focus: “For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but
the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding, she shall
be saved [delivered] in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and
holiness with sobriety.” (I Timothy 2:13-15)
The curse upon the woman is stated in Genesis 3:16: “And unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy
conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children, and thy desire shall be
to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” The curse upon women is clear
concerning the sorrow involved in bearing and bringing forth children. But, the
second half of the curse “Thy desire
shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee” does not appear as
clear cut.
Calvin in his credible commentary on the book of Genesis records this entry:
“The second punishment which He exacts is subjection.
For this form of speech, “Thy desire shall be unto thy husband,” is of the same
force as if He had said that she should not be free and at her own command, but
subject unto the authority of her husband and dependent upon his will; or as if
He said, ‘Thou shalt desire nothing but what thy husband wishes.’ As it is
declared afterwards, “Unto thee shall be
his desire,” (chap iv.7). Thus the woman, who had perversely exceeded her
proper bounds, is forced back to her own position. She had, indeed, previously
been subject to her husband, but that was a liberal and gentle subjection; now,
however, she is cast into servitude.” “Genesis by John Calvin, Geneva Series of
Commentaries” pp.172
is this “servitude” that she will be “saved”
[delivered] from by bearing children and continuing “In faith and charity and holiness with sobriety” (I Timothy 2:15)
thereby serving the Lord by bringing forth a Godly seed for His glory. Not that
she is removed from being under the authority of her husband, but, the attitude
of servitude to her husband will no longer be a burden for she will be serving
the Lord of glory through her complete devotion to Him, and her high calling of
Godly, Biblical Motherhood!
But, if the allure of the Devil’s Doctrine draws her into going after
the way of the present-day pressures of the world by rejecting Motherhood she
will be “Choosing to be Cursed” even though the first command to man in
Genesis 1:28 is:“Be fruitful and
multiply, and replenish the earth”. Also, when Noah and his sons stepped
from the Ark, God once again commanded them: “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth.”(Genesis 9:1)
command has in reality been ignored by the Church, but, it still stands and
could well be one of the lost keys to once again experiencing a dominating
Christian presence in the world as it was in the beginning centuries of our
country when families were large and mighty in the Lord and His precious Word!
Later, in I Timothy 5:14 Paul gives further instruction to the young
woman: “I will therefore that the younger
women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the
adversary to speak reproachfully, For some are already turned aside unto
Paul left Titus on the island of Crete to: “Set
in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had
appointed thee.”(Titus 1:5) he also gave explicit instruction to the young
women: “That they [the aged women] may
teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their
children, To be chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that
the Word of God be not blasphemed.” (Titus 2:4&5).
Therefore, it should not require a whole lot of “Rocket Science” to see
and determine what it is that the Lord wants for the young Christian woman to
focus upon as her life’s calling. This does not mean that a young woman must
have “Her apron strings tied to the kitchen sink” as it were. No, there are a
multitude of additional avenues she can pursue as long as her “household” duties
and her family, under the authority of her husband, are her main pursuit.
a matter of Biblical fact, the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 who excelled in
other areas had as her focus her ‘household’ for that word appears four times
describing her activities. Also, it is clear that she was not a young woman for
her adult children rose up and called her blessed and her husband was known in
the gates also making him an older man [See attached “Wise Woman of God”
message]. So, Biblical instruction for women is definitely dependent on their
This is a brief list of the present-day Devil’s
‘Liberate’ women from man’s subjection vs.God’s teaching in His Word
a. Adam
was created first
b. Adam
was the source of Eve
c. God’s
design for social order
d. Woman
made for man
e. Woman
made as a helper for man
f. Eve
content in this role for a time
g. Satan
through sin brought the curse
Place woman/wife into husband’s/man’s
position/role reversal/E.R.A.=Eradicate Roles in America
Husband forfeits position of authority
reverting to failed Matriarchal social structure
a. Husband/father
suffers loss of discernment
b. Husband/father
suffers loss of leadership
Cancel the Holy Spirit’s Presence/Power in
Family, Church & Country
Transfer role of woman as helper to temptress/hindrance
Place undiscerning woman/wife into wrong
positions of authority
Institutionalize rebellion of wife/woman by
reversing authorities
Abandonment of Motherhood necessary for
church/culture collapse
a. No
Godly seed raised up
b. No
Salt/Light in the world
c. Dead,
corrupt culture is result
d. Infants/Children
dumped into various Mothering alternatives
closing this message, it must be observed that the reason this abandonment of
Motherhood has occurred is due to a number of causes. Number one is the lack of
accurate Biblical teaching in the church. Number two is the pressure from
so-called higher education institutions i.e. Bible colleges and universities
that not only teach by example that a young woman should go into the work
force, but they offer courses of study promoting this un-Biblical activity.
last, but not least, is the intense pressure from the world system which is
operated by the Devil himself. The various organizations that have been formed
to reverse the role of the woman as described in the Scripture are front and
center in the ongoing “War on Women” that has been rapidly accelerating
since they have been given the right to vote approximately one hundred years
ago. Planned Parenthood, ERA, NOW etc. are but a few, but their philosophies
have permeated the entire culture including the political leadership, media,
and colleges/universities of our once free country!
the blame could be distributed among many, but, God holds the fathers, and the
leaders in the local independent churches responsible, REGARDLESS! They have allowed this obvious,
destructive collapse of “The faith which
was once delivered unto the saints.”(Jude 2) which in essence is the very
cause for the collapse of the church, community, culture and country.
For if we are honest, it is the failure of the
Church to be Salt and Light to a lost and dying world that is the root cause of
this phenomenon, while many Christians and their so-called leaders have
embraced the culture, their music, their dress, their habits etc. which the
Devil himself has cleverly devised! But,
that is exactly what he has planned to take place as he divides and conquers
the church during the closing days of this age as the coming of the Lord draws
One word supplies the cure and that is REPENT!!!
And, then, get on with preaching/teaching/living the TRUTH!!! REVIVAL,
brethren, not Republicans, is the only hope for the USA!!!
Chaplain LEWolfe www.btmi.org I-85 Exit 35 SC McPilot Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!
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